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Glacier Wood Golf Club has several leagues designed for all types of golfers. Whether you’re experienced or consider yourself a novice to the game of golf, Glacier Wood has a league for you. You do not have to be a Glacier Wood member to participate in most leagues, all you have to do is pay a league fee!

Tuesday morning ladies league (9 holes)

Join this very non-competitive 9 hole league. A different game of the day is played weekly giving everyone an opportunity to win!

Wednesday morning ladies league

Glacier Wood offers a fun, yet competitive Wednesday league for women. Ladies participate in a different game of the day each week as well as a quota point game held weekly.

Wednesday evening ladies league (9 holes)

Ladies league where you get to pick what time you play in the evening and the ladies you will golf with. There is a different game played weekly and opportunities for all skill levels to compete!

Thursday men’s league

Play in the morning or in the afternoon. Members from our men’s league play at 10:00am as well as 12:30pm and compete for hole contests weekly. The format is based on your handicap, making it fair for all participants. Playing golf is only the half of it, most Thursday evenings are filled with food, fun and camaraderie.

Women’s Club Championship

Wednesday, August 6th and Wednesday, August 13th

Men’s Club Championship

Thursday, August 7th and Thursday, August 14th

Please contact the golf shop at 715-445-3831 to learn more about the leagues!
